DADU Workshop - March 10th

Thinking about the long-term use of a home and designing for flexibility is an important part of preparing for an uncertain future. DADUs allow people more flexibility to accommodate a growing family, changing work requirements, and to provide supplemental rental income. DADUs also provide valuable small housing stock in desirable neighborhoods.

Do you want to learn more about DADUs and meet others (virtually) thinking about building a DADU? Join Bruce Parker from Microhouse and Stefan Hansmire from Hansmire Builders to learn about what is possible in this unique webinar sponsored by the Phinney Neighborhood Center. In this workshop we will answer questions for people planning to build a backyard cottage, including explanations of what is possible given the new zoning rules. We will also discuss budget ranges for recently completed DADUs and financing options along with case studies.

RSVP to hold your place.

Date: Wednesday, March 10th

Time: 7:00 pm

Cost: Suggested Donation

Location: Online

DADU workshop Thursday 4/23 at 7:00 pm

Our DADU workshop scheduled for this Thursday has been moved online. Sign up for more information and updates.

backyard cottages for fun and profit

backyard cottages for fun and profit

Backyard cottages can be used for many things, including housing a family member, a short term rental, a home office, or all of these things. Join Bruce Parker from Microhouse and Stefan Hansmire from Hansmire Builders to learn about what is possible and what is going on with the industry right now.

Time: Thursday 4/23 at 7:00 pm
Location: Online
Suggested donation $20 PNA members, $30 general public. All proceeds support the Phinney Neighborhood Association